St. Francis Camp is Getting a New Playground
Post date: Dec 09, 2018 1:16:9 AM
In the Spring 2018, the St. Francis Camp President Edward Smith presented an idea to the Board of Directors to revitalize the playground area at the Camp in Jerome Michigan. Manresa GC John Vella, Camp Director Tammy Kerchkof and Galicia #77 GC Pat Plotkowski teamed up to explore some ideas for new playground equipment. The ad-hoc committee presented their ideas to the Board. In less than six months, we raised over $60,000 and have already completed the site prep. The equipment will be ordered by the end of the calendar year and will be ready for community build at the camp in May 2019. If you know of anyone that is interested in assisting with the community build, contact Galicia representative: Bob Steinberger, Russ Kreinbring or Pat Plotkowski.